Saturday, January 7, 2017

Taiwanese High School's Nazi-Themed Parade

Some Taiwanese are militantly ignorant. These are the people who believe that the less they know the happier they will be, as in they won't hear irony in the phrase "ignorance is bliss." It's something they That explains why a person like Liu Hsi-cheng (劉習正) could become a high school history teacher and yet help students organize and promote a Nazi parade at his school. What is really disturbing is that this dumbass had the gall to ask for a second chance by blaming his students: "[Liu] said his students deeply regret their actions and believe that the entire class should take the blame because they made a collective decision to dress as Nazis." Yeah, I was just following my students decision to do something stupid? If school were really a democracy students would vote to decide what scores their teachers could give them. They'd vote to determine which textbooks their teachers used, etc. Point is: school isn't a democracy, it's an authoritarian regime with teachers being, hopefully, wise and even-handed dictators. On the other hand, the country was ruled for nearly half a century by a fascist one-party government...And no, the KMT didn't really care for stuff like history or philosophy. Education was, and to a large extent still is, science and technology-oriented. The result? Shit like this.

That is all.

Snake Spirit Boy: Please Be My Friend!

Not just because you're rich and surrounded by hot women with pointy chins who look like you. It is not my dream to wake up next to a woman who looks like an insectoid anime doll, but if that girl behind you is single...Anyway, if you will be my internet friend I will teach you the English so you can both look cool and BE cool.

Jeffrey Jon Jones, Founder and CEO of
Sometimes Maybe Only Never

PS: I still haven't figured out why they call you Snake Spirit Boy, is it because you take your pleasure from the Snake, or because your real name (刘梓晨) is hard to pronounce?

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The opening session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, March 3, 2016

Taichung "Touch Me Party"? No one invited me :(

台中一間夜店舉辦「Touch me party摸摸派對」,入場男女只要貼上不同顏色的識別貼紙,就可以任人摸、任人親,一名女公關在臉書PO出相關資訊,立刻吸引網友討論轉貼,卻也因此引 起警方關切,16日晚間進行大規模臨檢,業者雖然喊冤表示活動沒有違法,但因造成社會觀感不佳,最後決定不辦了。

這間夜店原訂於18日晚間舉辦「Touch me party摸摸派對」,一名女公關在臉書發文表示,貼上藍色貼紙表示男生可以摸,紅色貼紙表示女生可以摸,貼上嘴唇貼紙則可以親吻,而且女生穿洋裝短裙,整晚只需要100元。



Wednesday, February 17, 2016


26 十一月 , 2015  


China Telescope to Displace 9,000 Villagers in Hunt for Extraterrestrials

BEIJING — More than 9,000 Chinese villagers are leaving their homes to make way for aliens.

It is not a colonization plan from outer space. The Chinese government is relocating thousands of villagers to complete construction by September of the world’s biggest radio telescope, whose intended purpose is to detect signs of extraterrestrial life.

The telescope would be 500 meters, or 1,640 feet, in diameter, by far the largest of its kind in the world. It is called FAST, for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, and costs an estimated 1.2 billion renminbi, or $184 million.

The mass relocation was announced on Tuesday in a report by Xinhua, the state news agency. The report said officials were relocating 2,029 families, a total of 9,110 people, living within a three-mile radius of the telescope in the area of Pingtang and Luodian Counties in the southwestern province of Guizhou.

China Deployed Missiles on Disputed Island, U.S. Says


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